Thursday, 1 September 2011

Thursday, September 1st, 2011-O

Bug (Christopher/clever mouse) has forced me to create a blog. It is Thursday the first of September. There is nothing to note. I suppose we should address the Okapi, mon animaux favourite. Okapis are creatures composed entirely of magic and rainbows that dwell in the Ituri rainforest. They were assumed to be myth due to their unique appearance (giraffe, zebra, deer hybrid). But were discovered in the flesh in the late 1880s.

This okapi is mimicking my gait on a Friday evening/Monday morning.

Gene Simmons okapi/ex-girlfriend okapi (bad joke?).

This gentleman is using an okapi's head for shade.

 Velvety baby okapi chilling in the straw.

Baby okapi working the forest floor catwalk, showing off its long legs (nothing dreck about this).

Well that's all for today. I'm off to the tattoo parlour. I'm not a patron or an employee or anything. I just park my mobile box out front now and again. That's a joke.

Have a nice day.

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